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Sunsets and Perspective

So I know what you're thinking. You're probably like..."wow it's about time she wrote something". And you're right, I know. I'm sorry I haven't written anything like I promised but something did hit me last night so I hope this will help some of you who are going through a trial or tribulation.

Last night I was driving and have you ever been driving as the sun is going down and all of the sudden you realize that there is this beautiful sunset in front of your face. It's one of the prettiest things. All of the orange pink clouds just wisped across the sky and it just makes you think, " wow that is truly God, like how could anyone besides God make something that beautiful." I mean after seeing something like that, HOW DO YOU NOT BELIEVE? Well... that's a different topic for another day so back to the sunsets, the thing about them is everywhere you move they look different. Like one minute, in front of me was this beautiful sunset and the next it was just dark grey clouds. It reall reminded me of life....everything can be so beautiful and great one minute but, the next you realize things aren't looking so good. The thing is, this happens to EVERYONE! No one's life is perfect. What matters is how we react to these situations. Life isn't about the bad or good things that happen to us but, it's more about how we react to them. Are we going to choose God, who will never leave us or are we going to try and do it on our own? Like the sunset that will contiue to set every night, God's grace is new every day. So when we make mistakes, God can give us a fresh start we just have to let the guilt in our heart go.

That's when perspective comes in. Where we can choose to build off our mistakes or can choose to let them get the best of us. Satan wants the mistakes you make to feel like God doesn't want you anymore but that's not true. Never think you've made too many mistakes for God to forgive you. So are you going to get up and grow from your mistakes or are you going to allow them to beat you down? One time I almost got in a wreck pulling out of the store because I was being impatient. So I looked left and right but, never checked a second time and before I knew it, I was almost hit. Luckily the car could pull into another lane instead of hitting me otherwise, I could have been injured or worse. I don't know about you but, the thought of that is pretty scary. It made me scared to drive. As many of you know though, once something like this happens, everytime you get put in that situation you are extra careful. Now, everytime I pullout or cross the street I am extra careful. That's learning from your mistakes and trying not to let them happen again.

Sometimes when you're put in a difficult circumastance or situation God wants you to see how you will react. You won't realize this until you get out of the situation because once you get out yoy realize how God has used that situation to make you stronger. Everything God does is for the good and if you're going through something right now that your feel like you will never get out of surrender it to God. Let him deal with your situation, ask him to show you the good in the situation, and most importantly praise him through your situation because that's the last thing the devil wants us to do. Overall, just remember God is on your side and everything he does is for the GOOD!


"Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." (Romans 12:21)

"All the ways of the Lord are loving and faithful." (Psalm 25:10)

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to giv eyou hope and a future." (Jermiah 29:11)

"Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him!" (Isaiah 30:18)

"My soul is downcast within me. Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." (Lamentations 3:19-23)

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